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Carnie, Andrew, Eloise Jelinek and MaryAnn Willie. eds (2000) Papers in Honor of Ken Hale. MIT Working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages 1. MITWPL



This collection of papers was gathered to honor our mentor and inspiration for our work,  Ken Hale

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Table of Contents



Tribute to Ken Hale, Jane Hill

Tohono O'odham Ha'icu Ha-cegitodag, Ofelia Zepeda

Rethinking Switch Reference, Lynn Nichols

Person and Point of View in Navajo Verbs, Margaret Speas

Individual and Stage Level Predication and the Navajo Classificatory Verbs, Mary Ann Willie

Dative and Argument Hierarchies, Eloise Jelinek

The Navajo Prolongative and Lexical Structure, Carlota S. Smith

Head-Internal Relative Clauses in Dogrib (Athapaskan), Leslie Saxon

Another Look at the Athapaskan y-/b- Pronouns: Evidence from Slave for b- as a Case Marker, Keren Rice

Yi and Bi: Proximate and Obviative in Navajo, Judith Aissen

Some Notes On Derivational Relationships Among Navajo Verbs, Leonard Faltz

Navajo Conditional Interpretations, Theodore B. Fernald, Ellavina Tsosie Perkins & Paul R. Platero

Incorporating Onsets in Navajo: the d-Effect, Joyce M. McDonough

The Features ROUND and LABIAL in Tohono O'odham, Jane H. Hill

Comments on Papers, Kenneth L. Hale

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