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Carnie, Andrew, Daniel Siddiqi and Yosuke Sato, eds (2014) The Routledge Handbook of Syntax. Routledge



The study of syntax over the last half century has seen a remarkable expansion of the boundaries of human knowledge about the structure of natural language. The Routledge Handbook of Syntax presents a comprehensive survey of the major theoretical and empirical advances in the dynamically evolving field of syntax from a variety of perspectives, both within the dominant generative paradigm and between syntacticians working within generative grammar and those working in functionalist and related approaches.

The handbook will covers key issues within the field that include:

  • core areas of syntactic empirical investigation,

  • contemporary approaches to syntactic theory,

  •  interfaces of syntax with other components of the human language system,

  • experimental and computational approaches to syntax.

  • ​

Bringing together renowned linguistic scientists and cutting-edge scholars from across the discipline and providing a balanced yet comprehensive overview of the field, The Routledge Handbook of Syntax is essential reading for researchers and postgraduate students working in syntactic theory.


Hardback: ISBN: 978-0-415-53394-2




Ordering Information:​


Table of Contents


Editor’s Introduction


Part 1 Constituency, Categories and Structure

1. Merge, Labeling and Projection. Naoki Fukui and Hiroki Narita
2. Argument Structure. Jaume Mateu
3. The Integration, Proliferation and Expansion of Functional Categories, Lisa deMena Travis
4. Functional Structure Inside Nominal Phrases. Jeffrey Punske
5. The Syntax of Adjectives Artemis Alexiadou
6 The Syntax of Adverbs, Thomas Ernst


Part 2 Syntactic Phenomena

7. Head Movement. Michael Barrie and Éric Mathieu
8. Case and Grammatical Relations. Maria Polinsky and Omer Preminger
9. A-bar Movement. Norvin Richards
10. The Syntax of Ellipsis and Related Phenomena. Masaya Yoshida, Chizuru Nakao and Iván Ortega-Santos
11. Binding Theory. Robert Truswell
12. Control Theory. Norbert Hornstein and Jairo Nunes
13. Scrambling. Yosuke Sato and Nobu Goto
14. Noun Incorporation, Nonconfigurationality, and Polysynthesis. Kumiko Murasugi


Part 3 Syntactic Interfaces

15. The Syntax-Semantics/Pragmatics Interface. Sylvia L.R. Schreiner
16. The Syntax-Lexicon Interface. Peter Ackema
17. The Morphology-Syntax Interface. Daniel Siddiqi
18. Prosodic Domains and Syntax-Phonology Interface. Dobashi Yoshihito


Part 4 Syntax in Context

19. Syntactic Change. Ian Roberts
20. Syntax in Forward and in Reverse: Form, Memory, and Language Processing. Matt Wagers
21. Major Theories in Acquisition of Syntax Research. Susannah Kirby
22. The Evolutionary Origins of Syntax. Maggie Tallerman


Part 5. Theoretical Approaches to Syntax

23. The History of Syntax. Peter Culicover
24. Comparative Syntax. Martin Haspelmath
25. Principles and Parameters/Minimalism. Juan Uriagereka and Terje Lohndahl
26. Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Felix Bildhauer
27. Lexical-Functional Grammar. George Aaron Broadwall
28. Role and Reference Grammar. Robert Van Valin
29. Dependency Grammar. Timothy Osborne
30. Morphosyntax in Functional Discourse Grammar. Lachlan MacKenzie
31. Construction Grammar. Seizi Iwata
32. Categorial Grammar. Mark Steedman



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